Sunday, July 24, 2005

It 's a bird, it's a plane, nope, it's just a ballon.

And a photo of Per, Joan and Esther.

I wonder if I can add multiple images to these posts.

I'll try...

It seems to have worked.
Well, here is another photo, again it is Adrin!

I just wanted to test out Blogger's new add photo function. The function seems to work well.

I think that I am photo kind of guy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Esther and little Adrin, I think that I will have to rename this blog to: "The Esther fan club!"

Esther in front of the computer - I bet you already gathered that.

Esther at Silkeborg

Esther at Moster and Flemmings' place.
Test blog here, recent photos of Esther, what happens when I post multiple photos to a post?